To access each lecture, it should be sufficient to click on each biblical reference below. The full list may be found on the dedicated YouTube channel.
YouTube Channel
Lent 5A23 John 11:1-45
Lent 4A23 John 9:1-41
Lent 3A23 John 4:5-42
Lent 2A23 Matthew 17:1-9
Lent 1A23 Matthew 4:1-11
Sunday 07A23 Matthew 5:38-48
Sunday 06A23 Matthew 5:17-37
Sunday 05A23 Matthew 5:13-16
Sunday 04A23 Matthew 5:1-12
Sunday 03A23 Matthew 4:12-23
Sunday 02A23 John 1:29-34
Sunday 01A23 Matthew 3:13-17
Advent 4A22 All 3 Readings
Advent 3A22 All 3 Readings
Advent 2A22 All 3 Readings
Advent 1A22 All 3 Readings
Sunday 34C22 Luke 23:35-43
Sunday 33C22 Luke 21:5-19
Sunday 32C22 Luke 20:27-38
Sunday 31C22 Luke 19:1-10
Sunday 30C22 Luke 18:9-14
Sunday 29C22 Luke 18:1-8
Sunday 28C22 Luke 17:11-19
Sunday 27C22 Luke 17:5-10
Sunday 26C22 Luke 16:19-31
Sunday 25C22 Luke 16:1-13
Sunday 24C22 Luke 15:1-32
Sunday 23C22 Luke 14:25-33
Sunday 22C22 Luke 14:1-14
Sunday 21C22 Luke 13:22-30
Sunday 20C22 Luke 12:49-53
Sunday 19C22 Luke 12:32-48
Sunday 18C22 Luke 12:13-21
Sunday 17C22 Luke 11:1-13
Sunday 16C22 Luke 10:38-42
Sunday 15C22 Luke 10:25-37
Sunday 14C22 Luke 10:1-20
Sunday 13C22 Luke 9:51-62
Easter 5C22 John 13:31-35
Easter 4C22 John 10:27-30
Easter 3C22 John 21:1-19
Easter 2C22 John 20:19-31
Easter Sunday John 20:1-18
Holy Week 2022: God so loved the world
Lent 5C22 John 7:53-8:11
Lent 4C22 Luke 15,1-3, 11-32
Lent 3C22 Luke 13:1-9
Lent 2C22 Luke 9:28-36
Lent 1C22 Luke 4:1-13
Sunday 8C22 Luke 6:39-49
Sunday 6C22 Luke 6:17-26
Sunday 5C22 Luke 5:1-11
Sunday 4C22 Luke 4:21-30
Sunday 3C22 Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21
Sunday 2C22 John 2:1-11