Sunday of the Word of God

Word of God Sunday 2024
Click on the link for an excellent resource

December 22: Announcement of the Sunday of Word of God
Pope Francis is passionate about the Word of God. He has declared a special Sunday dedicated to the Bible. All of us are invited to respond imaginatively and actively to this new Feast. Here in Dublin, there is be a number of initiatives including pastoral resources for the day itself. The Feast marks the start of a year of increased engagement with the Word.
January 21: Fifth Sunday of the Word of God (resource)
January 18-25: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
The Feast

On the feast of St Jerome 2019, Pope Francis instituted the new Sunday of the Word of God, with a declaration “He opened their eyes”.

The Bible and Young People

Breakthrough (a Catholic programme from the USA).
Y-Bible for Teens and Young Adults
Lectio Youth Net

This is a programme of the Catholic Biblical Federation designed particularly for youth people.

Title: Reading. Understanding. Living.
Resources: Next Sunday

Youth Testimony to “Christ is alive”
He opened their eyes...